Wednesday, April 27, 2011

which premier appeared in frilled shark died .

Scientists arrested this frilled shark photos ,spontaneous combustion of coal and trees
January 24 Numazu,toronto escort, Japan, the light from the Island Marine Park is unlocked photos show a frilled shark .
According to the British 25 reported that a Japanese marine park recently shot a photo archaic deep-sea sharks . frilled shark , called (Frilled shark) of antique sharks commonly live in waters 600 meters deep in billions of annuals, virtually no A major category variation, understood for Just looks weird , like eels with keen teeth and marine animals. Li Ocean island of staff immediately rushed to the scene , found that the width of the first exotic animal 1.6 meters. After initial recognition , the staff that this namely a name Frilled shark namely a shark ancient periods . Because of this shark normally lives in waters 600 meters deep , merely too since the birth of their species since prehistoric hardly been any major alterations , so it is what scientists phone Marine alive fossil Open your mouth and other movements were shooting. The staff member said ,toronto escorts, It is complicated to reach such a depth. We deem that this ambition be the premier reason why the shark appeared , probably for it is sick , alternatively because the water is also superficial near the reason . Pool into the sea shortly afterward the man , which premier emerged in frilled shark died .
frilled shark and eel- favor body , short snout , eyes without nictitating layer . In the body of this shark has 6 gill slits on both sides , Interval extension of the gill folds , and cover each other , so appointed because the frilled shark . frilled shark live chiefly in the eastern Atlantic from Norway apt South Africa , Japan to Australia, the western Pacific and from southern California to Chile, the Asian Pacific .

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