Wednesday, April 27, 2011

the frequency of sudden weather mishap degree of enhancement

Open Category: air, blue sky, the ozone chasm, the words to annotate, atmospheric
atmosphere (Atmosphere) of air phoned the atmosphere circling the Earth. Like a fish live in water, we humans live in the bottom of the Earth's atmosphere, and the moment without air. the atmosphere for the proliferation of life on Earth, human development, providing an ideal surroundings. its state and change,shanghai massage, all and everywhere affect human activities and survival. Atmospheric science is the study of the atmosphere of a circle science. It examines the specific circumstances of the atmosphere, including composition of atmospheric composition, the distribution of these components and changes in the structure of the atmosphere, the basic properties of the atmosphere and leading the state law of motion. motion of the atmosphere is the commute of heat in the atmosphere by caused mainly from solar heat, heat makes the air temperature rise or fall the exchange. air pressure system changes in movement and activities of the earth between Shanghai land between North and South, between the ground and high altitude of energy and matter constant exchange, to generate complex changes in the weather and climate change. Atmospheric Sciences from the changes in air pressure, air pressure forming the uneven distribution of pressure field and pressure system, each wafer of air movement in a variety of atmospheric conditions, wind and other appearances of the phenomenon and the nature of in-depth study of various atmospheric circulation systems, weather systems, and based on fluid mechanics, thermodynamics of atmospheric motion and the nature of the phenomenon. the weather, from the phenomenon of speaking, the extensive bulk result of changes in atmospheric water. in solar radiation, the next pad surface forcing and atmospheric circulation together, form a comprehensive long-term weather conditions as climate. Atmospheric Sciences will study the causes of climate, weather conditions in another regions, climate change and human activities on climate and other issues. atmosphere pollution on the physical state of the atmosphere, mainly caused by irregular climate change. This change is occasionally manifest, sometimes takes the form of Zeyi gradually change, imperceptible to mediocre people, but left unchecked, the consequences could be very serious . the atmosphere is constantly changing, its natural process of change preferably slowly, and the changes caused by human activities in the urgent evil, has attracted the sharp attention to the world around the world have mobilized a lot of manpower, resources, research, obstruction, manipulation. to control air pollution, protect the environment, has become an important cause of modern human. atmospheric warming methane haunting According to reports, the CAS researchers recently accustom to chart high-precision analysis of ice kernel bubbles of methane extraction system, Dasuopu Tibetan Plateau ice kernel research and testing conducted, experimental analysis, nearly two thousand years obtained high-resolution log of atmospheric methane in the low latitudes, the atmosphere of greenhouse gases and global climate change, study the interaction made a discovery. by Methane on the Tibetan Plateau ice core records Dasuopu study, researchers found that since 1850 atmospheric methane has risen sharply in the past 150 years, an increase of 1.4 times. And during the two world combats of methane emissions from human activities negate growth. Experts said the study will change the global distribution and characteristics of the atmosphere to provide a basis for quantitative appraisal. studies show that with the continuous emission of greenhouse gases, the Earth's atmosphere, greenhouse gases mainly by water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, Freon and other ingredients, including carbon dioxide, methane is 20 times the greenhouse effect, and the concentration in the atmosphere showing a trend of rapid growth. In counting, the study also predicted out: With the large number of emissions of greenhouse gases, global temperatures will generally rise. Meanwhile, the planet's ecosystems will face a mid-latitude ecosystems and farming with the polar migration and depress the menace of biological variety, the frequency of sudden climate disaster degree of enhancement, which will instantly affect human survival and development. In recent years, as global population growth and increased human activities, human emissions to the atmosphere of greenhouse gases, scale up greenhouse gases in the atmosphere to the content fold increase. specialists, these gases control the climate system through the flow of natural energy, thus affecting the global climate change. In fact, human emissions of gases into the atmosphere without exception ought be excluded through natural processes, and eliminating process by itself will have to demolish the existing climate, environment and ecosystem to complete. Human increasingly recognize: the perpetrators of environmental pollution in the list, not one can run; and sufferers of environmental degradation in the account, who did not can be spared! each of us is not equitable the martyrs of environmental pollution, environmental pollution is also a contractor, but also environmental pollution of the governed. environmental conservation is not equitable a slogan, a heading, it is a systematic and scientific , but also a sense, a philosophy, a way of life. environmental protection not only of the Government and experts and savants also need extensive public participation.
Atmospheric Sciences
Open Category: penalty, world, science, meteorology, atmospheric
· Atmospheric Sciences (atmospheric sciences) Introduction
· study
· overview of the development characteristics of
· branch
· subjects and other subjects the air surrounding the earth between
called the atmosphere. as fish live in water, we humans live in the bottom of the Earth's atmosphere, and the moment without air. atmosphere for the proliferation of life on Earth, human development, providing ideal environment. its state and change, always and everywhere affect human activities and survival. Atmospheric science is the study of atmospheric spheres 的 a cutting-edge science, is the basic disciplines, but also applied sciences. It examines the specific circumstances of the atmosphere.
Atmospheric Science (atmospheric sciences) About
study of atmospheric structure, composition, physical phenomena, chemical reactions, movement of, and how to apply these laws as a discipline of Human Services. an integral chapter of Earth Science. subjects in research Earth's atmosphere is covered, as well as other solar system planets atmosphere. the movement of the Earth's atmosphere is very complex. Earth's revolution and circulation and tilt of rotation axis, resulting in the Earth's diurnal and seasonal changes and equator alternately peppery and chilly poles of the statute. land and sea and landscapes of uneven distribution, resulting in surface temperatures shows the uneven distribution of non-banded. atmospheric temperature, pressure and density of the close relationship between. atmospheric pressure will cause uneven movement of the atmosphere, the atmosphere of the movement pressure field will cause the re-adjustment. atmospheric levels of assembly and divergence in the vertical way of the atmospheric games on the heave and sinking movement. the atmosphere through a variety of curtate and vertical movement way of the form of material and energy transmission and conversion . due to the affect of atmospheric film natural and human factors, many uncertainties, resulting in either the normal atmospheric motion have shown the specifics of randomness. The main branch of atmospheric science disciplines: atmospheric exploration, climatology, meteorology, dynamic meteorology, atmospheric physics, atmospheric chemistry, weather, meteorology and other applications.

study covering the all Earth's atmosphere, the quality of about 5.3 * 1021 grams, or about parts per million of the total hunk of the Earth one. Because of gravity, air quality in 90% of the total height of 15 km from the surface below the atmosphere,Happy New Year everybody, 99.9% at 48 kilometers above the .2000 km altitude, the atmosphere is extremely slender, and gradually conversion to interstellar space, no obvious upper leap. compressibility of the atmosphere itself, solar radiation, the Earth's shape and its gravity, the Earth's revolution and rotation, the Earth's surface land and sea distribution and topography, the evolution of the Earth and other terrestrial ecosystems and the Earth's atmosphere is caused by a specific component, a specific structure and specific conditions of the main natural state of motion. human activities and their role of ecological factors that influence atmospheric composition, atmospheric structure and movement of anthropogenic atmospheric conditions. components of the Earth's atmosphere using nitrogen, oxygen , argon-based, they account for 99.96% of the absolute volume of the atmosphere. other gases is minimal, there is carbon dioxide, krypton, neon, helium, methane, hydrogen, carbon monoxide, xenon, ozone, radon, water vapor. droplets suspended in the atmosphere also , ice, dust, spores, pollen and other liquid and solid molecules. 9 planets in the solar system, there is the atmosphere (see the planet's atmosphere.) oxygen in the Earth's atmosphere is the material basis of human survival, the outward and content of oxygen change, with the Earth's formation and evolution of creatures closely related (see the evolution of the Earth's atmosphere.) water vapor in the atmosphere from rills, lakes and ocean surface evaporation, vegetation distribution, and other substances in water evaporation. in the summer heat Department (such as ocean surface temperature or woods), atmospheric water vapor content up to 4% by volume, dry, cold location in winter (such as polar), was less than 0.01%. vapor phase transition temperature as the atmosphere, into the cloud caused by rain, as the main fresh water resources. water period transition and the hydrological cycle with the water not only the atmosphere, lithosphere, biosphere closely correlated, and the energy conversion of atmospheric motion and changes have a major impact (see the atmosphere circulation of the energy balance and conversion). carbon dioxide in the atmosphere by vegetation photosynthesis and beast respiration, combustion of carbonaceous materials and water digestion of the influence of carbon dioxide in industrial development, fossil fuels (such as coal, oil , natural gas) fuel increase, reduce in forest cover circumstance, carbon dioxide levels have been observed to increase with age. the atmosphere would have little or no presence, such as methane, nitrous oxide and other gases, due to the impact of human activities, In recent years, the rapid increase of their content. These are the greenhouse gases of atmospheric temperature changes on the important influence of modern climate change has become a leading subject. small measures of ozone in the atmosphere, even away from the surface 20 the highest concentration at 30 km, the content of this layer of the atmosphere is not one hundred thousandth. However, the ozone layer that absorbs solar ultraviolet radiation harmful to life part, activities a very important protection of the human role. In addition, atmospheric the ozone layer exists, the stratospheric temperature has an important role. due to human activities on the high-altitude photochemical process of cause ozone changes, human activities on the ozone content of the research, has become the medical profession and the meteorological communities of prevalent concern . the earth's atmosphere by the change of temperature with height, from ground up, turn into the troposphere, stratosphere, navel and thermal layer. troposphere near the surface, where temperature decreases with height, the average cutback of about 1 km increased 6.5 ℃, tropopause temperature dropped to a minimum. tropospheric convection significant vertical heat transfer is the main controlling factor, cloud and precipitation occurs mainly in this layer. tropopause height of about 18 km in the equatorial region, mid-latitude area about 12 kilometers, about 8 km in polar regions. troposphere and the stratosphere is located above the altitude of the stratosphere about 50 km away from the surface. stratospheric ozone absorbs solar ultraviolet radiation, is to make this layer of air temperature increases with increasing altitude the main factor. This layer is very settled atmospheric temperature stratification, where the vertical transport of heat transfer mainly by radiation. middle stratosphere is situated above the top middle of about 85 km away from the surface, layer the temperature decreases with increasing altitude. thermal layer in the middle above the top of heat from the surface layer of about 500 km. This layer of the atmosphere due to digestion of solar ultraviolet radiation, the temperature increased with increasing altitude. thermosphere exosphere above the top, where the atmosphere already has the thin, fewer than 1019 per cubic centimeter atom (sea level of about 1019 atoms per cubic centimeter.) Fractions in the Earth's atmosphere can be divided by layer and the non-Yun Hu Yun He layer. about 85 km altitude from the surface retinue Yunhe layer, layer of the atmospheric constituents the same proportion, the mean molecular heaviness is constant. about 110 km altitude above the non-Yun Hu layer, layer after the separation of atmospheric constituents by gravity, light in on the next weight mean molecular weight decreases with increasing altitude. from the surface 85 ~ 110 km Yunhe layer to layer transition layer of non-Yun Hu. Earth's atmosphere by electromagnetic properties can be divided into independent layer, the ionosphere and magnetosphere. 60 km from the surface up to the height of the neutral layer. 60 km away from the surface 500 ~ 1000 km altitude ionosphere. from 500 to 1000 km above the surface as the magnetosphere. ionosphere can reflect radio waves, radio communication is exceedingly important. magnetosphere is the outermost layer of the Earth's atmosphere, solar wind is the kinetic energy of the magnetopause density and equilibrium fascinating field energy density surface. the movement of the Earth's atmosphere is very complex. Earth's rotation and revolution movement and direction of Earth's spin axis produces alternating day and night on Earth, seasonal changes in temperature from the equator to the poles and the law of dwindling. Since topography and other land-sea distribution and heterogeneity, the surface temperature is not entirely with the distribution by latitude circle, when showing the uneven distribution of non-banded. atmospheric temperature, pressure and density of the close relationship between. atmosphere pressure distribution (ie, pressure field) will lead to uneven movement of the atmosphere, the atmosphere will cause the movement to re-adjust the pressure field. atmospheric levels of convergence and divergence Games movement in vertical direction of atmospheric ascent motion and sinking training, the atmosphere will also affect the vertical movement of the horizontal movement of air. air through the mechanical motion, thermal motion and other forms of exercise for the horizontal and vertical direction of the material and energy transmission and conversion. the atmosphere through various mechanisms closely linked with each other to form a spatial scale as small as a few meters below the large or even thousands of kilometers to kilometers and time scales as short as a few seconds long to tens of days or more a variety of atmospheric motion systems. In factors that affect the atmospheric motion, the human factor in changing (such as industrial and agricultural production caused by greenhouse gases in the atmosphere have increased, large-scale deforestation, etc.) and natural factors are changing (such as volcanic eruptions caused by radiation changes, changes in the Earth's rotation axis direction). Some changes are regular, some change is without rules. atmospheric movement also presents the characteristics of both regular randomness there. Earth atmospheric science study the atmosphere, regardless of its composition, its structure, or if it's sports, there are two aspects of assurance and uncertainty. This is the aspect of the complexity of atmospheric sciences. weather, climate anomalies and changes in air quality with human life and production activities of solidarity, the right weather, climate prediction and to improve the situation of air pollution on people of great urgency, this is an pressing need for Atmospheric Research for the application of the human side. This challenging and significant science continue to attract people to browse the mysteries of the earth's atmosphere.
① atmospheric science research tin not be limited apt the atmosphere. atmosphere in the changes namely have happened, are subject apt the Earth's surface water circle, cryosphere, lithosphere and biosphere. study the gaseous activity of vigor, the atmosphere of the matter cycle, energy conversion and alteration processes, gaseous rotation and weather, weather, delivery and changes in the atmosphere have to be thought with the hydrosphere, cryosphere, lithosphere, biosphere (including people activities) and interaction among the effects. ② The tentative nature of scientific research found of the atmosphere. of the atmosphere chiefly for a studio of nature, organizations from the local district to the global atmospheric sounding web, using a diversity of detection manner to get long-term continuous observations, analysis and comprehensive research. ③ International cooperation namely needful to promote the evolution of atmospheric science approximate. the global atmosphere namely constantly in motion, merely as a entire, as clutch of the global atmosphere a crowd of message, must be in the station network layout, observing projects, data processing, message displacement, etc. to make the world a unified planning and coordination. distribution of weather stations nigh the earth, we have to at the same time, with a unified approach synchronized reconnaissance; satellite, weather radar and additional revelation manner a massive number of observed data, need to be processed in a quite short period of time, convey to the World Meteorological Centre and the national meteorological centre. the large coverage of message, the sheer number of transmission speed quickly is extraordinary, this is a normal surprise of science. All this merely via close worldwide cooperation can be achieved.
Development Overview
Atmospheric Science is one archaic discipline. aboard weather, climate knowledge derived from long-term pregnant fatigue and social life experiences. Back in the epoch hunting and fishing and agricultural times, human gradually accumulated aboard weather, climate change learning. 2nd centenary BC found in China, * When exercising solutions, space activities, as well as oceans, glaciers, tall height, space, study the development of atmospheric science have been proposed for the fashionable issues, and promote the development of atmospheric science. 17 centuries antecedent, people ashore the atmosphere and understanding of assorted phenomena in the atmosphere is intuitive, experiential .17 18th century, deserving to the development of physics and chemistry, temperature, oppression, wind and moisture measuring instruments such as the continuous invention, nitrogen, oxygen and other ingredients have been base for the quantitative understanding of the atmosphere of human makeup of the atmosphere and so establish the conditions for the movement. As a outcome, the atmosphere started from a easy qualitative research into the detailing of the stage can be quantitatively diagnosed. This is the atmosphere in the process of scientific development bound .1820, at the pressure, temperature, humidity, Determination of meteorological ingredients such as wind and weather observation station network under the condition gradually established, HW Brandes history drew a weather chart, creating a modern weather analysis and weather forecasting usage for atmospheric science research and development to the theory of open the direction. This is the history of atmospheric science is different leap in the concept of .1835 and the Coriolis force in 1857 CHD pearly Belo's the relationship between wind and pressure to chance Earth's atmospheric dynamics and weather analysis in 1920 the cornerstone of before and after, meteorologists J. 皮耶克尼斯, H. Sol Berg and other intended THP Bergeron front, cyclones and wind hunk methodology for weather analysis and forecasting 1 to 2 days behind the weather has laid a academic the foundation of .1783, the French JAC Charles made the portable detection instrument meteorological elements hydrogen balloons .20 century, 30 years began the widespread use of radiosonde, which can comprehend the atmosphere's perpendicular framework, the real three-dimensional atmospheric science from the beginning. According to one top of the radiosonde data to draw weather maps, found on the atmospheric long-wave .1939 meteorologist C.-G. Rossby long wag dynamics is proposed, and thus leads to the potential vorticity theory (look air power equation). This not only makes a academic basis for the period extends to the weather prophesy 3 to 4 days, and for the subsequent mathematical weather forecast and mathematical simulation of atmospheric circulation in prologue the way .1946 I. Langmuir, VJ Schaefer and B . Vonnegut's the weather in the testing stage. atmospheric science in a very long development process,toronto escorts, the 1st to climatology, meteorology, atmospheric thermodynamics and dynamics, and atmospheric sound, light, electricity and other physical phenomena as the chief content, orthodox understood as meteorology. With modern science and technology in the petition of meteorology, expanding its research scope .50 years antecedent, although the atmospheric science made great progress, but deserving to the sea, abandon and sparsely populated places the lack of information limits and computational difficulties, and can not obtain rid of qualitative research qualitative alternatively semi-state of .50 years later, a variety of new technologies, primarily the use of calculator and satellite, with fast development of atmospheric science, 20th century, 60 years later, the atmosphere increasingly widespread application of scientific terms, which greatly inflated the traditional meteorology research. for of various new technologies, especially the option of computer and satellite, atmospheric sciences with rapid development, mainly in the emulating 2 aspects: ① continuously presentation of new detection technology, atmospheric sciences into the extra macro macro and mini extra micro-new stage. As a result of weather satellites, meteorological rockets and laser, microwave, infrared and other means of remote sensing, atmospheric observations of capability enhancement, the observation space inflated. satellite needle in the atmosphere outdoor the atmosphere, not only to amplify the scope of observation, but observation has greatly enriched the content, such as spacious ocean surface temperature, cloud microstructure, atmospheric radiation poise. meteorological satellites have convert the modern atmospheric science the development of 1 of the pillars. ② computer use, the atmosphere of scientific research into a new stage of quantitative experimental study. the atmosphere during various types of interactions, and atmospheric phenomena in the manner of the bound (eg squall lines), there is very perplexing nonlinear problem. The advent of large high-speed computer, for providing the conditions fhardly everlving nonlinear equations. To understand the weeks, months or even a year later the state of the atmosphere may occur, but too need to rely on high-speed computer way and processing of global data, global weather forecasts and climate forecast models. modern computer is another pillar of the development of atmospheric science. the rapid development of atmospheric science is in the ascendant. As the World Climate Programme and other characteristic implementation of the plan, in the accustomed observation system, based on the greater use of meteorological satellites, oceanic observation satellites, Doppler radar and a variety of special equipment, aeroplane and other detection methods, and new observations and analysis of atmospheric chemistry, a variety of special projects observations, such as sea surface elevation, the solar constant, cloud and radiation response, offshore surface winds, soil humidity, carbon cycle and so on. Through the upon observation and implementation of the plan, will the climate change and small scale weather systems and the development of the nice framework The reasons are more vast and in-depth study, research results ambition continue to cultivate the class of caustic weather, human activities continue to portend the likely consequences of climate impacts in array to take prevention measures. In recent years, occasioned at human activities, such as methane in the atmosphere and nitrous oxide and other trace gases in the atmosphere caused by the addition of greenhouse achieve, it is estimated that atmospheric carbon dioxide may presently reach the greenhouse effect caused by the half. The overall effect of the greenhouse effect may lead to global climate change dramatically. of greenhouse gases and air pollution, in-depth study, so in the elapse have some overlooked the magnitude of atmospheric chemistry more and more significant, atmospheric chemistry will be more rapid development. In short, the development of human product and life, will continue to make new problems and requirements, to promote the atmospheric sciences branch of new theories and new developments. Atmospheric Sciences new development, it will improve the capacity of production and alive services, such as improving weather and climate forecasting precision for the development of meteorological resources and formulation of economy plan to provide more authentic scientific basis, with its economic and social benefits will be immeasurable. In short, the development of human product and life, will continue to raise new answers approximately atmospheric science and requirements, to promote the new theory and Atmospheric Science new branch development. Atmospheric Science of the new development will surely continue to improve its services for the production and life capabilities such as weather and climate forecasting to improve the accuracy for the development and utilization of climate resources, development strategies and economic policies to invest more authentic scientific basis.
corrective branch of a branch of atmospheric science
main atmospheric exploration, climatology, meteorology, dynamic meteorology, atmospheric physics, atmospheric chemistry, weather, applied meteorology and so on. atmospheric detection is a study of various phenomena in the Earth's atmosphere detection methods and means of discipline. by means of detection range and detection by atmospheric detection with ground meteorological observation, high-altitude meteorological observations, atmospheric remote sensing, weather radar, satellite and other sub-layer of bough. detection means to bring before the leap is constantly laborious to predict the important discoveries in the development process of atmospheric sciences, Atmospheric Sounding from a very important role. Climatology is the study of climate characteristics, formation and evolution of human activities and climate with each other between subjects. research embody climate characteristics, climate assortment, climate division, the causes of climate, climate change, climate and human activities, climate prediction and climate applications .20 century, 70 years, the world climate anomaly occurred several times , significant decline in food production in many areas, causing serious concerns about the world climate. atmospheric carbon dioxide caused by industrial production and other greenhouse gases (such as methane, nitrous oxide, etc.) content increased year by year, number of years they what clash the Earth's climate will occur, and very matter of concern. electronic computer used to promote the physical factors of climate change research and climate modeling, climate prediction is no longer a vague problem, it became a strategic subject of the. meteorology is the study of the atmosphere in the development of a variety of weather events and how to apply the law to make weather forecasts these laws subject. research includes weather phenomena, weather systems, weather analysis and weather forecasting. climatology and the results of the study of weather, not only provides a cloud of atmospheric science research, but also directly serve the national economic. dynamic meteorology is an applied laws of physics and fluid mechanics and mathematical methods to study the dynamic and thermodynamic atmospheric motion the process of their mutual narratives of the subjects. research include atmospheric thermodynamics, atmospheric dynamics, atmospheric circulation, atmospheric turbulence, numerical weather prediction and numerical simulation. dynamic meteorology of the development of a more mysterious understanding of the mechanism of atmospheric motion, weather and master climate change, the law has a very important role, it is the theoretical basis of atmospheric science disciplines. atmospheric physics is the study of atmospheric phenomena, physical processes and evolution of the subjects. research include cloud and precipitation physics, atmospheric optics, atmospheric electricity, atmospheric acoustics, atmospheric radiation science. atmospheric physics is the theoretical basis of atmospheric science subjects .50 years later, it was also included in the dynamic meteorology are called atmospheric physics. atmospheric chemistry is the study of the atmospheric composition and atmospheric chemical processes of the subjects. research include atmospheric trace gases and their cycles, atmospheric aerosols, atmospheric chemistry, radioactive substances and precipitation. Weather on how to affect the clouds through microphysical processes and precipitation of definite atmospheric phenomena, atmospheric processes, techniques and methods change. such as artificial precipitation, hail suppression, such as artificial smog exhaustion. Weather is the human part of a transformation of nature. Applied Meteorology Meteorology is the principle methods and results used in agriculture, hydrology, marine, aviation, military, medical, etc., combined with the various vocational disciplines to form the corner of the discipline, the full development and utilization of climate resources is an important area. atmospheric science in entire branches of each other is not isolated, such as the synoptic and dynamic meteorology and climatology combined to produce the weather dynamics and physical dynamic climatology. Detecting means of continuous innovation and the development of trace chemical analysis, and promote the physical properties of the atmosphere and chemical nature of the analysis, and promote the atmospheric chemistry development. especially the atmospheric carbon dioxide and methane and other trace gases on climate impacts become increasingly significant, and atmospheric pollution and sour rain problems, not only make people more aware of atmospheric chemistry in the atmospheric science the importance of, and with further research, but also acknowledged the atmospheric chemistry and atmospheric physical processes interact to promote the two bough of each other. satellite detection and analysis of where the alignment of weather satellite meteorology , weather radar and cloud and precipitation physics, where the alignment of radar meteorology. Atmospheric Science branch was divided and the process of cooperation, reflecting the deepening of the development of atmospheric science. atmospheric science in a very long process of historical development, first in climatology, meteorology, atmospheric dynamics and thermodynamics and the physical phenomena in the atmosphere (such as electricity, as the light like, sound like) and the more general aspects of chemical phenomena as the main research, the traditional call Meteorology expanding, so since the 60s from the 20th century, cryosphere, lithosphere and biosphere interaction and mutual influence between the importance of the process to understand the changes in the atmosphere can not aid but work deep into the process of change in other spheres. Therefore, atmospheric science research more warmhearted, with the other mutual penetration between disciplines more and more in depth. systematic study of the composition of Earth's atmosphere, structure and dynamic processes of science. Atmospheric Sciences traditionally divided into meteorology, climatology and aeronomy 3 areas. meteorology important of the troposphere and lower stratosphere weather changes annual and even hourly. Climatology is the atmosphere of a regional long-term (1 month to millions of years) the statistical description of weather conditions. upper atmosphere physics, upper atmosphere physics major research state and prevail the process, the upper atmosphere above the lower stratosphere is the atmospheric region. See climatology (climatology) and meteorology (meteorology) of each.

relationship with other disciplines physics and chemistry of atmospheric scientific basis The basic principle, the use of various techniques and numerical tools to study the physical and chemical properties of the atmosphere, air movement and the various energy conversion processes, a heap of weather and climate phenomena and their evolution, the weather forecast and some other phenomena method, affecting some of the weather process of technical measures, the observation of atmospheric phenomena and access to various information and delivery methods and means. and other disciplines as atmospheric science is interwoven with numerous disciplines, learning from every other. such as: atmospheric research movement, to be with the liquid mechanics, thermodynamics, mathematics closely; of solar radiation and solar disturbances in the atmosphere caused by various mechanisms, to be with the upper atmosphere physics, solar physics and space physics in close cooperation; of the hydrological cycle, ocean and atmospheric interactions, to be with the hydrological sciences, navy science in close cooperation; study the evolution of the Earth's atmosphere, the evolution of the Earth's climate, to be with the geochemistry, geology, glaciology, marine science, biology and ecology in close cooperation; study atmospheric chemistry, air pollution, to be the same chemistry, physics, biology and ecology in close cooperation; study the problem of atmospheric numerical simulation, numerical weather prediction and so on, need to work closely with the measurement of mathematics; study the atmospheric detection means and methods to be closely with relevant technical and scientific cooperation; detection in the atmosphere, weather and other automated process, the atmospheric science also continued with the information theory, systems engineering and other fields of science and technology closely. on mutual cooperation and joint penetration of the process, atmospheric sciences continue to study from other disciplines nutrients; atmospheric science specific requirements and continue to study other subjects to open up a new frontier, and continuously enrich the contents of other subjects.

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