Thursday, April 28, 2011

this publish was no the very in-depth research

Five children smarter
nutrients early in life (fetuses, infants and juvenile children) is a critical phase of development of the nervous system, this period of the diet is major for the child's intellectual influence. However, restricted by the research means ( objective inquiry or appraisal of whether a fetus or infant is laborious natty enough), this publish was not the very in-depth research, merely also did not arouse enough consideration. In comparison, a child physical development (altitude, heaviness, whether there are eccentric etc.) is relatively cozy to observe and evaluate, it has been of concern to the remedial calling and the general public. some of the existing preliminary studies have base that ample intake of nutrients following the child's mental development in early life is particularly important:
1 .
protein is the protein basis of life, the fetus, infants and young children's intellectual development and physical development are very important. maternal daily intake of 80 grams of protein. which comes from fish, meat,shanghai escort, egg and soybean productions of lofty quality protein should be 40 grams. This manner that pregnant women need to beverage 300 to 500 ml of milk or yogurt, 100 grams of meat (fish, livestock and poultry combined), 1 egg and 100 grams of tofu (hardly every equivalent) . infants and young children should be to ensure that chest milk (the maximum quality protein) fed, those who can not breast-feeding formula to use. add a food appendix to ensure the egg yolk, meat and other high-protein food intake.
2. folic acid folic acid
the key role of the nervous system contained in the embryonic development of the premier 2 weeks to 9 weeks. at this stage of adequate folic acid intake is very important. To ensure that the first 2 weeks (often not found to be pregnant at this time) there is ample folic acid intake should be from a maneuvered pregnancy (before pregnancy may be longer or shorter period of time) began to increase folic acid. embodying folic acid rich foods are liver, green leafy vegetables and so on. now generally informed to take folic acid supplements (400 per daytime ~ 600 mg), folic acid for normal food availability in distant less artificial folic acid.
3. Iron
Iron is the key element synthesis of hemoglobin, hemoglobin is responsible for transporting oxygen in the blood of the opener vector. diet iron deficiency anemia occasioned along iron deficiency causes fetal, infant head hypoxia, and accordingly its development of the nervous system have solemn, irreversible harmful effects. motherly annual intake of 25 mg of iron. iron-rich foods There are lean pork, beast liver, animal blood, egg yolk, soy sauce with iron, flour or breast fortified iron and so on. for fertile women, likewise think vitamin C, in mandate to promote the absorption of iron. For larger infants and words,beijing escort, infant rice and additional edible should be fortified iron choose.
4. iodine
iodine is the key ingredient synthesis of thyroid hormones, thyroid hormone metabolism in charge of one of the major hormones. as iron,shenzhen massage, iodine fetuses, infants and young children's intellectual and physical development have an important role. iodine deficiency will have destructive consequences for the child's IQ. iodized salt is the best and adequate sources of iodine. expense of iodized salt for iodine appendix of pregnant women and moms need additional . infants and young children have ingested a small amount of iodized salt.
DHA is a special kind of polyunsaturated fatty acids (C22: 6, n-3). It is directly comprised in the essay of nerve tissue on brain development is crucial. the lack of DHA though not obvious omens,[network host], but an adequate intake of DHA for children to promote the role of intelligence there. DHA is the cardinal source of food for fish and seafood,toronto escort, egg yolk is also a small quantity. milk, add DHA milk or formula milk powder pregnant matron, and fish fuel health products are also good sources of DHA. When the diet of pregnant women lack of fish and seafood, pregnant women can select to add milk DHA or fish oil health food supplement. for there is no manifest lack of omens, so the minimum recommended sum of DHA is difficult to decide, is generally trusted that infants 200 to 500 mg per day, pregnant women, 500 ~ 1500 mg per day is appropriate.
IQ and babies on five closely related nutrients. Of lesson, If you have a digit of stringent, it ought be said namely with entire the nutrients are relative apt mental development and physical development.

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