Sunday, April 24, 2011

Ji Xiaotong Yuxiang the extra annoyed

Ji Xiaotong was very impressed. Although in her novels, and television, the movies have seen a lot of rich people's manner scene, but may be more fearful witnessed the extraordinary.
An Kaichen indeed acquired an conspicuous dignity in the shipping tycoon, the less amount of the bike alone more than eight million Taiwan greenbacks Cabriolet
staggering enough, he actually also a giant luxury liner it to go to heaven , but also has its own dedicated private dock.
Not only that, she was also from conversations with the people around know thatship fleet beneath the Viking Group, the mammoth elegance traveler
circular, this journey is really only An Kaichen a visitor miles! all the additional crew and service workers.
Moreover, there are still aboard the ferry ramp, on the stop a really peculiar shape of a aircraft it!
Ji Xiaotong surprise until the ferry to navigate away from the extremity after gradually subsided.
be advisable to re-run after the 1st bound into the idea of ​​her melon head is -
Could - I was wrong on the pirate ship?!
After that, she is more confident that their guess is correct.
can not go wrong! otherwise be so numerous different types of a stunning beauty make all the stops Daozhui, have not been baited freak
, how could be her Girls threat this is what happened in real life positions.
have to have someone wrong!
kidnap it! exercise at home did not have the money, especially the wealthy and the one to settle down, more like extremely ! Ji Xiaotong perplexed even thick rinded and then do this presumption. Although she think themselves handsome a plus,
still not look at the outset sight, afraid to Heaven's
Aromatic. Ankai Chen has not been any mention pulchritude overcame - by least not these rumors, he spotted her, how could it?
then What is why?!
implying the --?!< br> a terrible flash of her mind as Emmanuel slips.
entrepreneurs, in fact in private dealings in the dark heart of trafficking?! may put a three-month nailed daily holiday to obtain away from the island have been to do almost reclusive island life?!
he must be like under the guise of the appoint of summer holiday, in truth, engaged in the personal island assorted unlawful dealings, dry unethical to do unconscionable asset.
?! can not be wrong!
Oh! days to Lingling Lingling! she had unwittingly plunged into the hideous and hopeless pitfall!
and defiled to decease! not! fall away ahead Caixing!
Oh! she now deeply understand the see the sea landscape.
Yu Tao may really no way out.
array to tranquilize her observations of the surrounding circumstances, after determining no one around, it crept in toward the door.
lucky! did not lock the door!
ah! really God helps me too! 3 successive forward the way door did not latch, so she quickly escaped from the hut of the room, and the intention by the channel fast along to the deck.
lucky , and the way they have not been any shadow resist, so she quickly fled to the deck.

I, found in the sea, I will not escape, it would be so off guard, I have even sent people to keep an eye on saving! Oh! Oh! that erupted in the wishful preoccupied that he may have the wrong a! ; silencer, Master room, can not come up to the deck. not to mention the laughter just as much sound like mice
sinister smile, horrible, no savor of first-class juvenile main could bring the laughter of a female, you must that got it wrong! know what's out! tsk!
Ji Xiaotong Yuxiang the more annoyed, shoulder deliberately hit the side of a great many material, causing the sound is not small -
bang - bang!
how's going?! air, for fear of being discovered, she's big plan may be required to escape into a mirage.
br> The two crew members approached a accordance.
Ji Xiaotong more nervous, indeed can not let them search for the flat commencement of operations, or she is finished.
meow! meow! meow!
fear, Ji Xiaotong Jizhongshengzhi think ; Huh?! not be right! it is on board, how will mew ah?! No one slew penniless! loss she was a sensational fiction writers do!
not even the basic wisdom so that no, really sucks! Oh, excellent, is found merely Renzai, and only themselves to blame, not blame others .
she closed eyes, no longer do any resistance, silently waiting for the fate of the trial, hh second! two seconds! three seconds hh thirty seconds!
Huh?! strange?! how there is no movement ?! The two crew members where to go?
As she puzzled when I saw that the two crews will not go distant away to talk.
Is this how is it?! Ji Xiaotong be puzzled by.
; rear district It is followed by the implied in the following An Kaichen.
Unfortunately Ji Xiaotong did not find, straight thought he Fudamingtai, fortune was nice ample.
finally fled to the bar side of the ship, Ji Xiaotong dare a little relieved.
appearance behind her, stretched out her arms to take back against the railing, Ji Xiaotong which is restricted to being in his arms.
ascending pole movements of her exterior but also for he was temporarily interrupted. < br> finished! be found! but too by him I base that really ended! Ji Xiaotong's temperature suddenly dripped to underneath freezing.
However, sex is resolved to do the dying, and rapidly out of a smile, simulating to light the smiles: full, it will not hinder you! the role of a good handle
. but you miss this opportunity to escape after the more impossible and I am afraid, so she got to try again before
line. did not plan to swim in the sea, the sea breeze just want to thump here and enjoy the smart landscape
everything! An Gongzi no absence to perturb with me so, you are a busy male, I know, I do not mind you have no time to attach
I'm so busy you still work to your big vocation, do not shriek me, depart me on the line strange face, her thoughts will leak.
but since the day not from the people would like, An Kaichen is no purpose to. vacation, so no lawful things to do, plenty of time, I was Mende tears, the sea breeze to blow,
exhale, we either just to be with, so you do not have to worry about delays in my business!
arms, she looked askew nervous headache, Ankai Chen Yu Kanyu really interesting.
this girl really like most of his darling impressionistic in his leisurely, Ji Xiaotong be no share of the elegant leisure.
right! circumstance, only the dead horse of a way a living horse medication also!
Ji Xiaotong Xinyi Heng, intends to fight it 啦!
She suddenly finger to the right rear, shouting: , prepared to jump into the sea.
Surprisingly An Kaichen namely not cheated, do not differentiate her unhurried a important accident. players, if it is fishing with a rod, alternatively use nets to occupy always competently, I occurred to have this boat another from the tackle, another daytime the chance, I'll show you how to show off? comments, Ji Xiaotong ice crystals suddenly systemic blood afresh, to flee the natural emulate the action stopped.
>, I'm a bit weary, want to go to recess! off his own way out.
He has a quick laugh.
simple, even the doctors have come on board please!
No! not! it is allowed, the doctor must be going to the island to the poor and unfortunate girls who convert fertile have an abortion. ah! was so bloody, so inhumane the.
Ji Xiaotong can not help his back a chilly, anticipate to succeed if it can not escape, and the island will be under the sound of the poor girls who are no different from a mile!
No! That is horrible! I must scamper away !
look on her every push has been the Ankai Chen, absolutely, was extremely interesting, primarily in her easy mind, led to his big fat interest.
not Ji Xiaotong do not know how to cover up their sensibilities, and because she graduated from institute, they resided in a great
school experience as educating assistants, so she did not have enough chance to hone their own aging and even more so not very good at covering their minds.
and Ankai Chen is a veteran perusing countless shopping malls, super powerful intelligent people, so he will lightly see via her mind reading.

An Kaichen really very cooperative this time, not meaning to keep her, and release the hand holding the railing and let her from his under the deck and faded into the cabin, An Kaichen only a smile, revealing his face.
good girl interesting, especially that magnetism, is simply
finally in the room, wait until late at night, Ji Xiaotong's just crept out of bed, preparing to escape the second act.
first face of the difficulties is how she secluded from the eyes and ears An Kaichen and fled up the channel.
had her room in the maximum inside, the door was opened, the articulation is An Kaichen an of the bedroom, then
is the alive room, and only then to the outdoor aisle the door, and the partial Unfortunately, tonight An Kaichen happened to nap in the After Ankai Chen's awakened An Kaichen, it may the worst of times.
As she wait until a small tread for a small room guiding to the living room An Kaichen room door, the sound in the black Ankai Chen Yang up.
Ji Xiaotong hard to tell yourself.
for a wonder to mention.
the Xiao Nizi, she wanted to come to such sophistry loss.
- sleepwalking Well!
An Kaichen slips will turn on the lights, coming up to her, leaning against the door, weapon haphazard anyhow elegant cross across their chests, eyes closed quite interesting seeing the Look her straight.
long while before they speak: the naughty color, but unfortunately no chance eyes closed Ji Xiaotong found.
Wow, sleepwalking is a quite perilous disease, I consider I'd come because you, amuse see a doctor
good. You're salute, the doctor is the exclusive home doctor, assure the best medicine! br> good a compassionate intonation ah! An Kaichen I really adore their own.
to have extra and splendid performing, really grateful to the farmers that the performing aptitude to nurture it! Oh!
Oh! how I will be here?! loud you! Good night! br> The cause that a tight and prompt action to flee the room, equitable be fearful Needing a room, An Kaichen that Yiguanqinshou beast suddenly the big time, that she may really be further redemption 啦!
better spared hasty! only the second declaration of the escape plan has failed! Alas!
seems that only until the early morning fog has not cleared the occasion, and then taking avail of Mimang disguising, a third of the escape plan. < br> This time ambition be successful! otherwise she would have not chance, and in the road for the speed of the warship according to projections, have been not nearly the coast, so if it fails to do early in the morn and then a goner!
***< br> In this way, Ji Xiaotong has been leaning against the window, staring at the windows of thick mist, the morning until 4 o'clock, she immediately began a third of the escape plan.
lucky , and this time really move her like Ankai Chen's
on the deck, the chilly fog that she could not help but kick a quake.
Mommy it! she never knew on the morning of the sea is so cold, her hands almost frozen, movement of the body also become slow deserving to increasing cold.
mind unless there is strong advocate for the escape, she had long ago given up action, to flee the room to have his warm mattress.
in her slow hands touch slightly stiff as an icicle-like angle to the railings on the occasion, her body was picked up from backward vacated.
she Shu Chaopiao help you. Do not try! its sold by you, I would rather die here now, so soon to be connate! sonorous said.
arms stretched railing.
clear, almost reflex death Bazhu An Kaichen hold, fearing he was really a loose hand, put her to drop to the sea.
little life that she may really finished!
Look horrified face, while her blue and white explosion, An Kaichen even want to make amusement of her. So I will try to help you complete the hope, not to mention this is nought but 'hands' of the operators nobody more! microseismic a bit.
worse, fog partial referendum is about cleared at this point, let Ji Xiaotong can apparently see the blue sea water, catch a peep of the sea at the moment, she momentarily dizzy.
joke, she want to dead ah!
instinctive fear of death made her even more heroic and hold prop Ankai Chen.
However, her heart there is another current idea arises spontaneously, and soon to fill her body. ! I Ji Xiaotong Though nothing, spineless'd have so little to persuade you not to imagine it, huh! On the same time, his lips trembling
not so caustic, the body ought not sucker by the time strong and hard on people who smoke, she said it will put some more convincing.
An Kaichen not momentary access cavity, but with strange sunny eyes luminous with carefully scanned her again, then said:
Evidence! Look into the eyes of his face, blindly for his own actions. would mind is! word miles!
Pang is not a minority, so that you're lucky, they will be eating a nice
light, not one hair left that way, you do not must fret approximately after the death of a ticket should be given to environmental agencies, navy pollution
say you tinge something, so your kin can write provincial funeral expenses, the most important thing is that you can be performed, Touhai l
days, is actually to serve multiple intentions, I thought of nice No wonder I so like to assist human! a cross.
An Kaichen saw the closed eyes, a pair of her death calmly. ; of lesson! you look down on people less, that the women are all afraid to die, will yield to the threat of despicable method to you, I am not purchasing it! she was a typical frank enough attracted from the real. ! smile a touch of deep, deliberately cleared his pharynx then said: I only heard the first time since been engaged in illegal business
object children do! not the Bohai Sea, such a say by you, I'd be amused in a bit, another day will ascertain a course
people test the waters, in the future if really big money, I will blaze some periodical money to you so that you share my success and joy
, As for the boat to take you, it is because you look like most of my favorite 'cat feline ', and' Little Cat 'has been living in
very alone island, so I was spur of the moment, intend to take you to the island and introduce you comprehend to be a friend. But
, unfortunately, Ji Miss appeared lovely to me than sharks 'small cats' interest more, really extremely apologetic, all I had
wishful, alas! tin only say that you missed! good! not many to say, Ms Ji, we next life bye! - Wait a minute!

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