Thursday, May 5, 2011


normally when people mention the problem of global warming will instantly meditation of automobiles, aircraft, vigor, coal, energy saving notions, few people consider about the food we eat has a very meaningful global warming impact. < br> Today,shanghai massage, by the dawn of Earth Day weekend, a number of environmental unions cared almost global warming, held a demonstration of the film ambition be. and environmental hazards of the documentary, produced by the Netherlands Foundation for Nicholas Pearson. The film has been successful in the Netherlands, the United Kingdom,beijing massage, the United States, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, held a premiere in Germany, Brazil, Canada , South Africa, Portugal, Singapore, Australia and other countries show. Today is the 1st time in this introduction to the Chinese audience, came to watch the film,beijing escort, some savants, environmental enthusiasts, student organizations and the common audience and so on.
Video Main introduced to the audience of agriculture, primarily livestock in fact the colossal greenhouse gas emissions. Videos citing the 2006 FAO (FAO) in a research report - Environmental Issues and Options), reported that animal husbandry is the cardinal party responsible for global warming, the greenhouse gas emissions in carbon dioxide equivalent emissions of the global total of 18%, likened with emissions from the transport industry, including automotive , warships and helicopter equitable the sum of 13%. The report's cardinal authors Pavilion Nisi Tan Fu DS (Henning Steinfeld), Dr said to the audience in the film: a large impact on the context. emissions have doubled. Cambridge University Department of Public Health and Primary Health Care, John Bowers cautioned the audience in the film: In terms of reducing greenhouse gas emissions, video actor before and later the interviews with some off the public hh [the audience ahead the greenhouse gas emissions in agriculture is understood that thoughts after watching the film, consider choosing a vegetarian lifestyle you hh]
movie to the audience the environmental health of a vegetarian lifestyle recommendations, Netherlands-known actors,shanghai escort, writers and politicians have their own experiences in the film, with the audience to share their outlooks above vegetarianism. This film referred to the following facts, thought-provoking:
a cow a year of carbon dioxide emissions , the equivalent of a middle car to run seventy thousand kilometers, more than one and a half traveling approximately the earth need more;
produce one kilogram of meat requires 7 kg of edible - we have approximately 50% of the grain used as feed fed livestock, while the proportion of beans up to 75%, at the same time, the world's almost one billion folk from starvation;
as the product of beast productions, vegetation products than the production we absence as numerous as 10 periods the land, The land secondhand to generate feed, to fared hundreds of billions of greenbacks of plough animals;
always the Dutch do no dine mutton if one daytime a week, you can reach each family a annual along the Dutch administration absences apt dwindle carbon dioxide emissions targets;
a European average lifetime aggregate of 1,800 animals to eat, if everybody on globe to do so every year we eat 142 billion will be animals,you tin no dart waste anywhere, then we need 3 planets about all the people to be proficient to feed .
Beijing television Station in the

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